niedziela, 13 czerwca 2010

Cottage Cheese Muffins with Spring Onion and Pesto

               I was cutted off from the internet since Friday morning so I wasn't able to post anything on a blog. So I wasn't able to post about those lovely muffins with cheese and onion. Truly summer on a country mix. Even though the day was so hot I can barely move I knew I must bake those. So I turn on the oven, put those inside and run off from the kitchen faster than you could say "Muffins, muffins everywhere"
Muffins are easier than anybody could think - just grab few things, mix not nicely and your done. Now take nice amount of fresh, farm butter, cut those in the half and you can celebrate hot summer afternoon with bees flying over your head.

Cottage Cheese Muffins with spring onion:

150 gram flour
1 teaspoon of baking powder
salt, pepper to taste
150 gram of cottage cheese
2-3 tablespoon of pesto
2 eggs
30 ml of thick buttermilk
Small bunch of spring onion with 2-4 onions
5-10 leaves of fresh basil 

Preheat oven 160C
Prepare two bowls - one for dry products and one for wet.
Mix flour, baking powder with salt and pepper in a bowl. In Second mix cottage cheese with buttermilk and pesto until quite smooth, add nicely chopped spring onion. Now the eggs mix them into cottage mixture (I never separate yolks and whites but I know that some do). Now put flour in "wet" bowl. You should mix this roughly. Don't be to precise. You want the crumbs. Crumbs are good.
Pour mixture into muffins cups (fill 1/2 of cups, maximum until 3/4 of the cup) and bake until golden brown or even dark brown. How you like yours?

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